Pumpkin Picking in Petaluma

I will openly admit that I completely love the holidays. They are absolutely my favorite time of the year. For me, the holiday season officially kicks off when I buy my first pumpkin. My fiancé and I have now begun a tradition (this is the 2nd year), where we head out of San Francisco for the day and head to a pumpkin patch. I was so excited all week for our adventure. Think I'm joking?

Nope, I wasn't. My fiance found a wonderful pumpkin patch in Petaluma (north of SF) for us to check out. It was an unusually warm day, but that didn't stop me, I still dressed festively. TC, on the other hand, was dressed like he was on vacation. You win some, you lose some I suppose ;)

TC with our loot!

We had a great time at the farm looking for the perfect pumpkins to take home. All-in-all we ended up with 10 pumpkins. Our home is going to be extremely festive this year!

Next weekend I'm planning on decorating some of them. I haven't tried painting my pumpkins before but I think I'm up to the challenge this year. I've pinned quite a few images to my Pinterest so I'll just have to decide which to go with. Well okay, maybe it will be about which is easiest :) Until then, here are some more pics of our adventure.

What about you all? What traditions do you have to get ready for the holiday season?


  1. This post (and you) are adorable!! I love that you came home with not 1 or 2 pumpkins but 10!! hahahaha amazing :)

    1. Thanks B! What can I say, I love the holidays!

  2. i've ALWAYS wanted to go to a pumpkin patch to pick my own!! i really don't have a good excuse for not going since there are about a million in the Virginia area, but hey, i'm lazy! good for you!


    1. If nothing else, it's a good photoshoot Melissa :)

  3. I've never gone to a pumpkin patch but am planning on going to one this weekend! I absolutely love the holidays, too. :)

  4. SO fun! I wish we had done that this year. Love that your sweet fiance gets into it too! Until next year....



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